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厦门捷发医疗用品有限公司 本信息的网址二维码
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公司性质: 外资(欧美)
公司行业: 贸易/进出口、制药/生物工程
GFA Production (Xiamen) Co., Ltd. is a professional first aid kit manufacturer with strong research and development team and outstanding management organization. As an international and professional first aid kit manufacturer, the company integrates research, development, production and distribution, reduces costs for customers and creates market value. The company has a senior leader team with abundant international management experience and broad vision and thus can made accurate judgments and fast responses in accordance with rapidly changing market environment. With CE certification, the company has a professional quality control team consisting of hundreds of personnel who strictly and thoroughly carry out inspection procedures and ensure products in conformity with international standards.
   The company is located in the beautiful Xiamen, a famous tourist city in the southeast coastal area of China and the west bank of Taiwan Strait and known as “Marine Garden” and “Marine Pearl”. Xiamen boasts unblocked communication, convenient transportation, unique regional culture, picturesque natural landscapes, even warm oceanic climate and increasingly changing course of modernization, thus catching the eye of the world.
   In order to keep pace with the international advanced technologies, the company introduces automatic equipment, high quality machines and continuously conducts innovation, research and development. The company can customize first aid kits and components and customize specific labels and logos in accordance with customer requirements. With regular inspection of equipment and diagnosis of each detail, the company ensures each production condition in the optimal status. The company sticks to the principle of “Credit first and quality orientation”, and thus all manufactured products have outstanding performance. Each delicate and perfect product is made up of a great many small components. We consistently use raw materials from universally known manufacturers which have passed inspection against international standards. With professionalism, high requirements and attitude of keeping improving, the company is intended to create perfect products and satisfy customer demands.
   The company upholds the business concept of “Belief and Practice”. With humanistic management system, the company requires team leaders to make instructions and supervisions in the production line at all times and remind workers of cautiousness and and conscientiousness in each step. The company follows 6S Principle, which is the basis for superior quality. Such spirit is deeply rooted in activities of each employee and carried out in the team work.
   Our employees have higher educational attainment and professional working background. In order to strictly control production lines and logistics system, all employees receive ISO training, thus providing a solid quality guarantee for different demands of different customers. The company adopts independently engineering software to carry out office work and all employees can do office work based on a sharing network so as to ensure high production efficiency of various first aid kits comprising of any components. Output of the company is increased at a rate of five times annually and 18 high-tech production lines ensure output of 20” container every hour
   With the active and prompt spirit, the company has customers throughout the whole world, including the largest retailer, WHO and American Red Cross. Customer service team of the company sticks to the principle of “Service Foremost and Customer First”. Through instant ERP system and transparent information, customers can obtain product status at the first time and have a basis for tracing after sale. No matter where you are in the world, the service of the company is available.
   Our senior management personnel have been engaged in design and production of first aid kits for several decades, thus they have abundant experience. In product manufacture, we pay attention to practicality of products and meet customer requirements to the largest extent. In product design, we are always committed to providing customers with the perfect design plan, and ensuring that first aid kits and products of various types save life in every corner of the world.
   Focusing on customers and promoting development with service, research and development team and customer service team of the company sincerely provide each customer with overall service. You are welcome to visit GFA Production (Xiamen) Co., Ltd. and negotiate business with us. We are sincerely looking forward to cooperation with you.
   厦门捷发医疗用品有限公司是一家以生产一流急救包为宗旨的专业急救包生产商,我们拥有坚强的专业研发团队和优秀的管理组织。作为一个国际化、专业化的急救包制造商, 我们集研发、生产、销售为一体,为客户降低成本,创造市场价值。我们拥有一支富有国际管理经验的资深领导团队,他们经验丰富,视野开阔, 能够针对迅速变化的市场环境作出准确判断和迅速反应。公司产品具备CE认证,一支数百人的专业品质控制团队,执行着严密彻底的检验程序,确保产品品质达到国际标准。
   引领先驱,GFAProduction与国际先进科技同步,引进自动化设备,高品质机台,并持续创新研发。公司生产的急救箱工具和组件可根据不同的品牌客户进行量身定做,同时根据客户的要求定制特定的标签标识,我们用心执着于各项设备的定期定时检测,GFAProduction坚持在每个细部环节做诊断,以确保各项生产条件都保持在最佳状态,公司坚持以信誉第一,质量为本,所有生产的相关产品都具有优秀的使用性能。这一件精致完美的产品,是由每一个高品质的小原件所成就,我们坚持使用国际知名大厂,并且通过国际标准检验合格的原物料。 GFAProduction的专业,高标准的要求,精益求精的态度,就是要实现一个完美的作品,交付顾客的寄托。
   GFAProduction奉行信念,实践的经营理念:以人性化的系统管理,班组长随时在生产线上负起指导监督职责,时时警惕每个步骤都必须精精业业。 GFAproduction奉行的6S准则, 是GFAproduction要求品质滴水不漏的标的,此精神深植于每个人的行动里并落实在团队的合作中
   我们的员工都有着高学历及专业的工作背景,严格把控生产线与物流系统,所有公司的员工都经过ISO的培训,为不同客户的不同需求提供坚实的质量保证,公司采用我们自己研发的工程软件进行办公操作,所有员工在一个网上系统中进行网络 共享的办公,保证任何种类任何组件的急救包产品生产的高效率。公司的生产规模以每年5倍的速度在增长,18条高科技的生产流水线保证每小时就有一辆20尺集装箱的生产量。
   以客户为中心用服务促发展”,GFAproduction的技术研发和客服团队竭诚为每一位客户提供全方位的服务, 厦门捷发医疗用品有限公司欢迎来自全球的客户到我们公司参观,洽谈,我们真诚期待与您的合作。
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联 系 人: 陈女士(人事经理)
联系电话: 0592-0
联系地址: 厦门市同安区西柯镇美溪道湖里工业园20号(361100)(合则约见、非请勿访)
电子邮件: (请通过系统申请职位,系统会自动把你的应聘简历发给我)
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