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厦门海辰酒店有限公司 本信息的网址二维码
单位简介 所有职位
 招聘职位:保安部经理Security Manager (1人)   No.2791997  该职位已停止发布
招聘单位: 厦门海辰酒店有限公司  单位资料
招聘期限: 2022-12-07 2023-01-06 17:59  查看招聘发布历史
招聘部门: Security/保安部
联 系 人: 林先生(HR)
联系电话: 0592-6885555-6568
通信地址: 厦门市海沧区嵩屿东路88号(361026)(合则约见、非请勿访)
学历要求: 大专以上
职位性质: 全职 工作经验: 不限
工作地点: 厦门市海沧区
参考月薪: 11000-12000元/月(底薪:7000-8000元/月+提成)
上班时间: 8.0小时/天    5天/周    正常白班
薪资福利: 五险、住房公积金、商业保险、带薪年假、年终双薪、节日福利、专业培训、包吃、包住、工作制服
 职位职责和职位要求 (Job Responsibilities & Requirements):

1.Supervise the security departmental operations, ensuring adequate patrol patternsand frequencies are maintained to ensure the safety of guests and associates.指导监督本部的运作,保证巡视工的正确执行,确保客人和同事的安全。

2.Liaise with the Chief Engineer in regards to practical training of associates in elements of fire control, safety inspections, evacuation etc. Ensure regular training sessions are held with the hotel’s fire control team to establish and maintain require skill level.与总工程师合作对员工进行灭火,安全检查和消防疏散等基本知识的培训和演练。定期对酒店消防队进行培训演习以培养和保证消防队伍的技术水平。

3.Carry out daily inspection to ensure all master keys, which have been issued, are all accounted for and in the possession of the staff that have accepted responsibility for them.随机抽查万能钥匙的分配情况并明确钥匙的持有人的责任。

4.Ensure compliance with business operations laws.遵守行业法规。

5.Develop and review performance standards for operations in the department.回顾和发展部门内的执行程序的标准。

6.Coordinate operations within and between other departments/units and cultivate good working relations.协调部门内部以及各部门间的工作,培养良好的工作关系。

7.Monitor productivity of the unit.对各部分的生产力进行监督。

8.Ensure that a planned training business plan is in place and regular training is carried out on a one-on-one or group basis.制定出业务培训计划,实施定期的单独培训和以小组为单位的培训工作。

9.Assist with the planning and delivery of orientation programs for all new associates.协助制定和实施新员工的培训规程。

10.Implement performance appraisals, providing regular guidance and goal setting where appropriate.实施工作评估,定期提供指导和制定正确的工作目标。

11.Responsible to ensure that security staff are well trained and are proactive and take appropriate action to avoid any incidents or guest complaints, and that they communicate with guests in a professional manner, which promotes goodwill, trust and satisfaction.确保员工的培训并采取适当的方法解决客人投诉。通过与客人交流,建立起友好、信任和满意的对客关系。

12.Develop appropriate administrative policies and procedures in accordance with hotel goals and guidelines.按照酒店的目标和指导方针制定适宜的工作政策和程序。

13.Interact with departments and hotel associates in a professional and positive manner to foster good rapport, promote team spirit and ensure effective two-way communication.以积极专业的态度与酒店内部各部门及同事沟通,建立起良好的工作关系,增强团队精神确保有效的双向交流。

14.Responsible for establishing and maintaining good working connections and relations with PSB. and all other Government agencies, and for receiving and coordinating all inspections by any Government agency with the related hotel departments, and for ensuring the actions and tasks are completed within the deadline.负责与公安系统和其他政府机构建立和维持良好的业务关系,接待和完成所有相关部门的检查,并在规定的时间内完成相应的任务和改进计划。

15.Responsible for ensuring that the parking and entrance door to the hotel is always well organized and that security staff are always present and in control, and that the hotel policies and regulations are strictly implemented and followed each day.确保酒店停车场和大门始终井然有序,保安人员始终在岗,并严格执行和遵守酒店的政策和规定。

16.Responsible for ensuring the security staff are well groomed according to the hotel standard and well trained to perform their tasks at all times.确保酒店员工的仪容仪表符合酒店的标准,接受技能培训以便在任何时候都能够执行工作任务。

17.Conducts frequent fire and emergency training and evacuation simulation each 3 months, in close coordination with the Engineer Manager.与工程部经理合作,每个季度进行一次消防安全培训和疏散演练。

18.Is always present when the hotel has a high volume of business activity or has a big event, and ensures the necessary control action is implemented by security team members in all outdoor and indoor areas, to ensure that the guest quality experience and hotel policies are always fulfilled.当酒店有重要的接待或大型会议时,对酒店室内室外区域采取了必要的控制措施,确保客人的服务体验和政策落实。

19.Responsible for ensuring all security team members fulfill their tasks according to their Job Description and the hotel policies and procedures, and for controlling the daily security log book and submitting weekly to the General Manager. 确保所有的安全部员工按照工作职责书和酒店的政策程序完成他们的工作任务,做好保安工作日志并每周提交给总经理。


1. Knowledge of hotel fire and life safety systems in the hotel.熟悉酒店内的消防救生系统。

2. General management and leadership skills.具有管理才能。

3. Thorough understanding of the rules and regulations of other local government authorities pertaining to the licensing and operation of hotels.熟悉由当地政府机构制定的有关酒店各类许可及运营的各项规章制度。

4. Minimum 5 years experience in managerial hotel Security positions.至少五年从事保安经理管理工作的经验。
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 联系方式 回顶部
联 系 人: 林先生(HR)
联系电话: 0592-6885555-6568
联系地址: 厦门市海沧区嵩屿东路88号(361026)(合则约见、非请勿访)
单位地址在2D地图上的标注如下:          按地图找工作请点击我
 单位简介 回顶部
公司性质: 国营企业
公司行业: 酒店/旅游
厦门海旅温德姆至尊酒店, 坐落于美丽的海沧湾,海沧大道的起点,是厦门市海沧区首家国际奢华五星级品牌酒店。其地理位置优越,与鹭江道和鼓浪屿隔水相望,紧邻出口加工区,厦门自贸试验区。交通便捷,至厦门高崎国际机场及厦门火车站仅需20分钟车程,距厦门动车北站仅需30分钟车程,到达高速入口仅需3分钟车程,与嵩屿码头仅相距500米,乘船至鼓浪屿及轮渡中山路仅需15分钟。
该企业的信用信息可访问 天眼查 进行查询
 人才评价 回顶部


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